Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Shakeology Pancakes Recipe

Shakeology Pancakes

If you know me at all you know that I LOVE PANCAKES!! Between pancakes and biscuits and gravy, I am a total fat kid when it comes to breakfast food. I knew that there had to be a way for me to have healthy pancakes.

Shakeology Pancakes!!

I saw a recipe for protein pancakes on Pinterest and realized that it IS possible. I started brainstorming ideas of how to incorporate Shakeology into a form of pancakes.

Here's what I found!

1 scoop vanilla SHAKEOLOGY
1/3 cup plain oats blended into oat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 egg white
1/2 banana mashed
1/4 cup fat free greek yogurt
2 tbsp. skim milk (you can use almond milk, too!)

Mix all dry ingredients together, then add wet ingredients. Spray a heated skillet with non-stick cooking spray and drop the batter onto the pan and cook for about 2 minutes on each side.

Check out this awesome video of me discovering a new way to separate the egg yolk from the white. I saw a picture of it online and HAD to try it because I always mess up when separating them.  I was amazed that using an empty water bottle worked SO WELL!!

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