Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Fit Pregnancy: Why I Do What I Do

24 Weeks Pregnant and Counting
As you may know by now, I'm pregnant! Very very pregnant. This will be our second son and we are so excited!!

With my first pregnancy, I was lazy. I ate what I wanted and wouldn't even think about working out. Especially towards the end! Walking was the most I'd do. I'd kill a bag of powdered or chocolate donuts within days, and binge watch the Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars on Netflix. (Don't laugh....those are actually amazing shows!)

This time... I promised myself right when I found that I was pregnant this time that I would not go down that road again. I vowed to stick to my fitness routine and be someone that other pregnant ladies can look up to and come to for advice.

Thus far, I've gained 10 lbs of baby weight and am feeling AMAZING. I get my workouts in every day, and stick to a healthy diet...for the most part. =)  I drink my Shakeology and have so much energy it blows my mind!!

I started the ChaLean Extreme program at the beginning of this month after completing 2 rounds of the 21 Day Fix, and let me tell you.... I absolutely LOVE this program. Chalene Johnson is amazing and this program is by far my favorite out of the many that I've completed. Even the cardio workouts are a blast! I look forward to my workouts every day.

I'll be honest, there are times when I get down on myself because I am gaining weight. Yes I know it's a great thing and being pregnant is a beautiful thing, but no one likes to see the number on that scale rise and rise and rise.

The wonderful thing is, though pregnancy changes a woman's body SO MUCH, I will have the chance to earn my body back. I know that once I have the opportunity after I have this beautiful baby, I will take advantage of it and push myself beyond my limits to hopefully compete in a bikini competition.

I have so many huge goals set for myself, and keeping a fit pregnancy will do nothing but help me accomplish them. Why did I type this long blog post? What's the point?
I am doing this told hold myself accountable. By sharing my goals with all of you wonderful people, I am committing to this goal.
Here are some things that I am doing throughout my pregnancy to ensure that I stay fit.
  • Complete my daily workouts (DUH)
  • Drink Shakeology
  • Run Challenge groups that not only help my challengers, but keep me accountable, too
  • Walk the long way to the restroom at work
  • Reach my daily H2O intake goal
  • Bring healthy snacks to work (I'm right down the hall from the snack bar so if I don't bring snacks...I'm more apt to snack on unhealthy treats
  • Random exercises throughout the day at work to keep myself active (I have a desk job)
  • Take my son on rides around the block in his little red wagon

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