Thursday, July 23, 2015

Sharing my Favorite Ab Circuit!

Getting Into a Good Ab Routine

Among many other muscle groups, abs are at the top of my favorites list for training! I love working abs. I love having abs. I love sharing my routine with others so that they can build abs.

Unlike some muscle groups, you can train abs almost daily. I do not recommend training them if you are incredibly sore, but I train them AT LEAST every other day. Sometimes 4-5 times a week if I'm not sore. It has worked incredibly well for me in the past.

Yes those abs in the pictures are mine. =D

I'm going to share my all-time favorite ab workout with you.

>>>>Check it out!!! <<<<

This is a 3 round circuit. Do not rest more than 5-10 seconds between exercises. (You get a rest at the end of each round!)

20 Weighted Russian twists (each side)
20 leg pull-ins
20 flutter kicks (each leg) with a 10 second hold at the end
20 reverse crunches
20 side to side heel touches (each side)
20 one-legged V-ups (10 each leg)
1 minute elbow plank

Rest 1 minute
Rest 1 minute

This is an intense workout, but once you get used to it, it becomes an easy routine to add to the end of your workouts.

**Disclaimer** Everyone's bodies are different. This routine may not have the same results for you as it had for me. Do not overwork yourself. If you are too sore, take a rest day or two!!

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