What is a Beachbody Coach?

What is a Beachbody Coach?
What do I do?
Don't I have to be a pro?
I'm not in good enough shape for that.
I don't have the time to run my own business.
How do you 'get people'?

These are questions that I am asked by many people ALL THE TIME! I absolutely love clearing the air and putting people at ease when it comes to coaching.

What is a Beachbody Coach?

As a Beachbody coach, I am an accountability partner, a motivator, someone to lean on for tips and tricks. In no way AT ALL am I a pro. I'm not certified, but I am good at what I do. I love to help people and push them to their limits.

Don't I have to be a pro?

NO!! The great thing is that with Beachbody, you don't have to be a pro or a nutritionist. WHY??? Because Beachbody supplies them! Autumn, Shaun T, Chalene, and Tony ARE the trainers and nutrition experts. With every Beachbody program that someone buys, they receive their own personal trainer and nutrition expert. HOW COOL IS THAT??

What do coaches do?

As a coach, I simply suggest programs and motivate the challengers through their fitness journey.

Coaches motivate, inspire, run challenge groups, push people to their limits, help change lives, while building themselves through personal development, Beachbody products, and spreading the word about this amazing opportunity.

I'm not in good enough shape for that.

The BEST part about being a coach is that I can help others while I'm on my own fitness journey. You don't have to be in tip top shape to help others. People actually enjoy working with those who they can connect with so if you're just starting your journey...you're in your PRIME time to become a coach!!!

I don't have time to run my own business.

That's the beauty of this job! YOU are your own boss! YOU make your hours. And YOU do with it what you want! Some people have more time than others to devote to their businesses, but the amazing thing is that you can build an incredible business by working only ONE HOUR a day! How amazing is that? Time should never be an issue as a coach because you build your own schedule!

How do you 'get' people?

This one is SO simple! I am a product of the product. People see my posting about my hard workout, my healthy meal with the colorful 21 Day Fix Tupperware containers, or my Shakeology and they ask questions! They ask ME to join in! It is so easy to grow your network now-a-days. I add new friends EVERY SINGLE DAY, and I am always trying to share this amazing experience with the world.

Throughout my journey as a Beachbody Coach, I've met so many amazing people, I've been able to help change so many lives, and it just gets better and better!! These are just a few of the misconceptions about coaching, and what a Beachbody coach REALLY does!!

If you'd like more information or would like to start your own journey as a Team Beachbody Coach, simply click >>>>>

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