Challenge Groups


My absolute favorite job as a Team Beachbody coach is running challenge groups. >>>You're probably asking, WHAT IS A CHALLENGE GROUP???

Here's a breakdown of what a challenge group really entails.

30 Days of online fitness accountability done through Facebook

I make two daily posts.
>>>The first post can be about one of the following<<<
-Nutrition tips
-Extra workouts
-Beachbody updates
-Becoming a Beachbody Coach

>>>The second post is a daily PHOTO CHALLENGE<<<<
This is NOT a daily progress picture of yourself. The photo challenge is meant to be a fun way to keep everyone involved and accountable. Some of the challenges include...

-sweaty post workout photos
-a picture of your gym shoes
-a picture of your workout area
-a motivational meme
-a picture with your Shakeology

Like I said, the photo challenges are FUN!!

Throughout the month, I run a little 'friendly' competition between challengers. This competition is NOT judged by who has the best results. That is just not fair. Studies show that those who are the most active in the groups have the best results. What does this mean???

The competition is judged by a point system. You earn points for being active in the group and posting daily to keep everyone involved.

**But what do you win???***
 The winner of the challenge earns a $25 Nike Gift Card!!

Though the Challenge groups are meant to be fun, I do have a few rules of my own.

Rule #1- You MUST have me set as your Beachbody Coach on your Team Beachbody account. If you do not have an account, you can CLICK HERE to create your own FREE account with me as your coach.

If you already have a coach and you are not actively working with them, you can switch by sending an email to coach relations and giving them my name and coach ID #.
-Their email address is
-My name is Stephanie Faught
-Coach ID# is 657821

You can also call coach relations (this option is a bit faster) Their phone number is 1 (800) 240- 0913

Rule #2- You must follow a Beachbody workout program. You find a list of programs and shop HERE. If you need help choosing a program or would like advice, just let me know! I'd love to help!

Rule #3- You must be willing to COMMIT. This is only a 30 day group. That's 30 days of commitment to this new lifestyle. I cannot help you if you aren't willing to help yourself...and believe me, I WANT TO HELP!! I'd love to help!!

Team Beachbody also rewards challengers with CASH MONEY!! Once you've completed your challenge with me, you can submit your results to Team Beachbody through your own personal account and you'll receive a FREE T-shirt, and be entered in a competition to win up to $100,000!!! Here's a quick video from the Beachbody CEO himself, Carl Daikeler, about the Beachbody Challenge!

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