Thursday, February 11, 2016

Plan for Success- My Meal Prep Tips

Here's the deal... if you don't set yourself up for success you're going to struggle. It's the HARD TRUTH!

Every Sunday morning I'm in the kitchen prepping my meals for the week. It takes me about two hours each Sunday but saves even more time for me during the week.

Meal prep is SO important when trying to live a healthy lifestyle. It makes it harder to stay on track if you don't plan ahead.

Here are some of my best personal meal prep tips!

  • create a menu for yourself. Break it down like this so it's EASY
    • Day 1-
      • Breakfast-
      • Snack-
      • Lunch-
      • Snack-
      • Dinner-
    • Day 2-
      • Breakfast-
      • Snack-
      • Lunch-
      • Snack-
      • Dinner-
    • ETC...

  • Create a grocery list. Be sure to include all necessary spices.
  • Remember PORTION CONTROL!! Look into getting portion control Tupperware like the ones I have in my pictures. I have the 21 Day Fix colored containers and the black portioned meal plates from
  • Repeat meals as often as you can without getting tired of them
  • Buy in bulk
  • Multitask! Stay safe...but try to cook a couple things at once. IE. chicken in the oven, turkey bacon and egg whites cooking on the stove, and broccoli in the steamer.
  • Wash dishes as you go so the mess isn't as big at the end.
  • If you have an infant like me.... WEAR them while you prep! It's the easiest way to get it done with NO EXCUSES!

I hope this is helpful for you! Once you prep your meals a few weeks in a row, just like anything else that you do for a few weeks (It takes 21 days to create a habit), it'll become a part of your routine. You'll get better at it and you'll become a pro in no time!!

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