Monday, July 20, 2015

Fit Tips for the Working Girl/ Momma

Fit Tips for the Working Girl/ Momma

6 Months Pregnant and Staying Fit

I understand that we are all busy. We have jobs, spouses, children, pets, and social lives to worry about. But where does fitness come into the picture?

Living a fit lifestyle is more than just getting your workout in four or five days a week. It's about commitment to change and bettering yourself.

For me, I have a full-time job, my part-time Beachbody coaching business, a family at home, a 2 year old son, and one on the way (due Nov =D) . I feel your pain. Believe me!

We get busy, it is a part of life. But one part of living a healthy and committed lifestyle is making time for our workouts and time to eat healthy.

Working out is more than losing weight. It's creating a healthy lifestyle.
 More energy. More confidence. Happiness. Commitment.

Create yourself.  

Here are some tips for getting that workout in when you feel overloaded with 'Life'

Tip #1- Start with 30 minutes. Shorter workouts are always more enticing to busy moms. The shorter the workout, the easier it is to get done. Right? The great thing is that Beachbody offers multiple programs with short but effective workouts. TAKE ADVANTAGE of these!! Start off slow with short workouts.

Tip #2- Make the most of your time. Yes, you may have shorter workouts, but this does not mean that you slack on intensity. Make the most of every single minute in your workout. Push yourself to your limits EVERY time!!

Tip #3- JUST DO IT!! Boy oh boy do I love this saying. Just do it. No excuses. No procrastination. Get it done!! If I can do it, so can you!! Discipline yourself NOW, in the beginning.

Tip #4- Buddy Up! Find an accountability partner. Being held accountable for your actions is one way to ensure that you're getting it done! Find a friend or workout buddy who will push you to your limits beyond what you think is possible.

If you need an accountability partner, I'LL BE YOURS! You can join one of my 30 Day Challenge Groups for some intense fitness accountability and motivation!

Tip #5- Reward yourself. You're working hard, you're making the time to push yourself and get your workouts in. Now reward yourself. I'm not saying to go out and eat a box of donuts every day because you reached one of your fitness goals. I'm saying, make it into a personal competition with yourself and challenge yourself. Reward yourself in the end. Maybe you're big on shoes, find an awesome pair of workout shoes or a new outfit to reward yourself for reaching your goals.

Once I reach my goals, I'll be rewarding myself with an awesome pair of bedazzled Nikes.

Create yourself. Challenge. Motivate. Inspire others. Grow. Build. Make time for YOU.

I hope that you are able to take away from this blog post. I really feel like these tips have helped me personally and I wanted to pay it forward!

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