Friday, July 31, 2015

Wonders of Water: Infused Water

Wonders of Water: Infused Water

Let's be honest. H2O gets BORING drinking glass after glass unless you are already used to it. I've asked multiple people about their fitness and nutrition goals and most of them have told me that one goal is to drink more water!!

 Drinking water naturally boosts your metabolism.... what does this mean? Drinking water helps you LOSE WEIGHT!!!
Some people feel the need to use Mio or Crystal Light in their water to make it taste better but where are the nutrients in that?! That's right! There are none!

Why not add fruits and veggies to your water for an extra boost of vitamins and minerals, and a natural way to detox!

Benefits of drinking infused water

  • Lose weight
  • Boosts your metabolism.
  • Fills you up so you don’t eat as much junk.
  • Naturally helps your body release fat cells.
  • Keeps food moving through your system.
  • Flushes toxins from your system.
  • Improves your mood.
  • Reduces muscle fatigue while working out.
  • Helps you recuperate faster from a workout.
  • Keeps your organs healthy while you’re sweating.
  • Keeps you from feeling groggy.

  • Here are some great H2O tips
    • Drink a large glass of water before every meal
    • Drink your first glass within 15 minutes of waking up
    • Buy a travel infused water bottle to keep with you at all times (you're more likely to drink water if it's in front of you at all times)
    • Instead of snacking on junk food, drink a full glass of water and wait about 10 minutes to see if you're still in the mood to snack (most times you aren't!)
    • Always bring a water bottle to the gym 

    Wednesday, July 29, 2015

    Off-scale Victories: Don't Always Trust the Scale

    Focus on What Really Matters:
    Off-scale Victories

    This is one of my favorite topics. It's been heavy on my mind for the past couple days for a few reasons...

    1-I'm pregnant and will only be getting bigger so I HAVE to focus on off-scale victories
    2- Even though it's everyone's first instinct to judge progress via the number on the scale, it truly is MORE important to focus on these victories. ...

     I do know for a fact that, if you're putting any kind of effort into your own fitness journey, you've accomplished at least one if not many more off-scale victories.

    What I mean by this???
    • you're stronger
    • you've held strong to your diet
    • you've gone up in weights
    • you can fit into those old jeans
    • you've stopped modifying the workouts
    • you've stopped taking extra breaks in the workouts
    • others have seen change in you
    • you've built confidence
    • you've lost INCHES!
    • you've inspired someone else
    • you've motivated everyone in this group
    • you've become someone that others can go to for advice about fitness because they see you working so hard

    -YOU DID THIS. I can't do any of these things for you.
    It's been your choice to start your journey and to push your hardest.... and that, my friends, is an off-scale victory.
    Weight fluctuates throughout the day. The number on the scale can change with every sip of water you take. Focus on the FACTS.

    Tuesday, July 28, 2015

    Fit Pregnancy: Why I Do What I Do

    FIT PREGNANCY: Why I Do What I Do.
    24 Weeks Pregnant and Counting
    As you may know by now, I'm pregnant! Very very pregnant. This will be our second son and we are so excited!!

    With my first pregnancy, I was lazy. I ate what I wanted and wouldn't even think about working out. Especially towards the end! Walking was the most I'd do. I'd kill a bag of powdered or chocolate donuts within days, and binge watch the Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars on Netflix. (Don't laugh....those are actually amazing shows!)

    This time... I promised myself right when I found that I was pregnant this time that I would not go down that road again. I vowed to stick to my fitness routine and be someone that other pregnant ladies can look up to and come to for advice.

    Thus far, I've gained 10 lbs of baby weight and am feeling AMAZING. I get my workouts in every day, and stick to a healthy diet...for the most part. =)  I drink my Shakeology and have so much energy it blows my mind!!

    I started the ChaLean Extreme program at the beginning of this month after completing 2 rounds of the 21 Day Fix, and let me tell you.... I absolutely LOVE this program. Chalene Johnson is amazing and this program is by far my favorite out of the many that I've completed. Even the cardio workouts are a blast! I look forward to my workouts every day.

    I'll be honest, there are times when I get down on myself because I am gaining weight. Yes I know it's a great thing and being pregnant is a beautiful thing, but no one likes to see the number on that scale rise and rise and rise.

    The wonderful thing is, though pregnancy changes a woman's body SO MUCH, I will have the chance to earn my body back. I know that once I have the opportunity after I have this beautiful baby, I will take advantage of it and push myself beyond my limits to hopefully compete in a bikini competition.

    I have so many huge goals set for myself, and keeping a fit pregnancy will do nothing but help me accomplish them. Why did I type this long blog post? What's the point?
    I am doing this told hold myself accountable. By sharing my goals with all of you wonderful people, I am committing to this goal.
    Here are some things that I am doing throughout my pregnancy to ensure that I stay fit.
    • Complete my daily workouts (DUH)
    • Drink Shakeology
    • Run Challenge groups that not only help my challengers, but keep me accountable, too
    • Walk the long way to the restroom at work
    • Reach my daily H2O intake goal
    • Bring healthy snacks to work (I'm right down the hall from the snack bar so if I don't bring snacks...I'm more apt to snack on unhealthy treats
    • Random exercises throughout the day at work to keep myself active (I have a desk job)
    • Take my son on rides around the block in his little red wagon

    Thursday, July 23, 2015

    Sharing my Favorite Ab Circuit!

    Getting Into a Good Ab Routine

    Among many other muscle groups, abs are at the top of my favorites list for training! I love working abs. I love having abs. I love sharing my routine with others so that they can build abs.

    Unlike some muscle groups, you can train abs almost daily. I do not recommend training them if you are incredibly sore, but I train them AT LEAST every other day. Sometimes 4-5 times a week if I'm not sore. It has worked incredibly well for me in the past.

    Yes those abs in the pictures are mine. =D

    I'm going to share my all-time favorite ab workout with you.

    >>>>Check it out!!! <<<<

    This is a 3 round circuit. Do not rest more than 5-10 seconds between exercises. (You get a rest at the end of each round!)

    20 Weighted Russian twists (each side)
    20 leg pull-ins
    20 flutter kicks (each leg) with a 10 second hold at the end
    20 reverse crunches
    20 side to side heel touches (each side)
    20 one-legged V-ups (10 each leg)
    1 minute elbow plank

    Rest 1 minute
    Rest 1 minute

    This is an intense workout, but once you get used to it, it becomes an easy routine to add to the end of your workouts.

    **Disclaimer** Everyone's bodies are different. This routine may not have the same results for you as it had for me. Do not overwork yourself. If you are too sore, take a rest day or two!!

    Tuesday, July 21, 2015

    Stuffed Chicken Breasts Recipe

    Stuffed Chicken Breasts

    I love to create my own recipes. I may start with an idea of what I want, 'stuffed chicken breasts' for example, but I never follow the recipes. I feel more satisfaction from creating my own masterpieces than following a recipe. Almost all of the recipes on this blog have been my own (if they aren't, then I've cited my sources)

    This dinner dish was INCREDIBLE!!

    2 lb large chicken breasts
    3 tbsp. fat free cream cheese (softened)
    1/2 can diced tomatoes
    1/4 diced red onion
    1/2 diced red pepper
    2 cloves minced garlic
    1 tsp cilantro
    salt and pepper to taste
    3/4 cup fat free shredded cheddar cheese
    1 packet of 'Sicilian Chicken Skillet Sauce w/ Tom basil & garlic' (found in marinade section at walmart)
    1 tsp olive oil

    The how-to:
    1. In large bowl, mix softened cream cheese, diced tomatoes, red onion, red pepper, garlic, cilantro, salt, pepper, and cheddar cheese.
    2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
    3. Slice each chicken breast to create a pocket inside of them
    4. Stuff cheese mixture into each breast
    5. Heat olive oil in skillet & cook each chicken breast for about 7 minutes on each side
    6. Grease a clear baking dish
    7. Place breasts in pan and cover with  the *Sicilian Chicken Skillet Sauce w/ Tom basil & garlic* packet
    8. Bake for approximately 30 minutes

    My Favorite Shakeology Recips

    Shakeology Recipes

    Here are a few of my favorite Shakeology recipes! Be sure to add ice or water to your Shake before blending. I usually add an extra 8 oz water and a handful of ice cubes but if you like your Shakeology THICK.... go ahead and add more ice.  
    Apple Oatmeal
    1 serving Vanilla Shakeology
    ½ cup unsweetened applesauce
    ½ cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    1 packet instant oatmeal
    1 tsp. ground cinnamon

    For the best taste experience, use a blender and add ice. The more ice, the thicker it gets. Feel free to use any kind of milk or milk substitute (almond, rice, or coconut milk)—the more milk, the creamier it gets! Enjoy!

    Peaches and Crème
    1 serving Vanilla Shakeology
    1 cup frozen sliced peaches
    2/3 cup water
    1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice

    Chocolate Mint Girl Scout Cookie
    1 serving Chocolate Shakeology
    1 cup water
    1/8 tsp. mint extract


    Almond Joy
     1 serving Chocolate Shakeology
    1 cup light coconut milk
    1 Tbsp. all-natural almond butter
    Water as needed

    Peanut Butter and Banana Blast
    1 serving Chocolate or Vegan Chocolate Shakeology
    1 cup almond or skim milk
    1 banana
    1 tbsp. Reduced fat peanut butter or PB2
    Ice/ water as needed

    Strawberry Garden

    1 serving Strawberry Shakeology
    1 cup unsweetened almond milk
    2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
    1 cup fresh spinach, coarsely chopped
    1 tsp. raw honey

    Greek Strawberry-Banana
    1 serving Strawberry Shakeology
    1 cup water
    ½ cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
    ½ medium banana, cut into chunks

    Agua Fresca
    1 serving Strawberry Shakeology
    ¾ cup water (or club soda)
    ½ medium cucumber, peeled, chopped
    1 Tbsp. fresh lime juice

    Strawberry Tango
    1 serving Greenberry Shakeology
    1 cup water
    ½ cup fresh or frozen strawberries
    ½ cup fresh or frozen mango

    Citrus Berry
    1 serving Greenberry Shakeology
    1 cup water
    ½ cup fresh or frozen strawberries
    ½ cup 100% orange juice

    1 serving Greenberry Shakeology
    ¾ cup organic lemonade
    ½ medium banana
    ¼ cup rice milk

    For the best taste experience, use a blender and add ice. The more ice, the thicker it gets. Feel free to use any kind of milk or milk substitute (almond, rice, or coconut milk)—the more milk, the creamier it gets! Enjoy!

    **All Recipes are from my SHAKEOLOGY Website

    If you'd like your own monthly shipment of Shakeology just click >>>HERE<<<

    Delicious Desserts Made With Shakeology

    Desserts Made With Shakeology

    You know I'm all about my Shakeology!! Why not indulge in some amazing desserts AND your daily dose of 70 super foods, vitamins, and minerals all at the same time!!!

    Once you've tried these recipes, share and comment below how you liked them!!

    Shakeology No-Bake Cookies

    The ingredients:

    1 cup Chocolate Shakeology powder
    1 cup natural peanut butter
    1 cup oatmeal (quick)
    1/3 to 1/2 cup honey or agave nectar (to taste)

     The How-to:

    1.  Combine ingredients in bowl. Mix well. Roll into balls (about 1 heaping teaspoon each).

    Optional: Roll balls in crushed nuts, oatmeal mixed with a little cinnamon, graham cracker crumbs, or unsweetened coconut flakes.

    Recipe from my SHAKEOLOGY website.

     Chocolate- Peanut Butter Cups

    Shakeology Peanut Butter Cups
    The ingredients:

    1 serving chocolate or vegan chocolate Shakeology
    4 tbsp. coconut oil
    1 tbsp. reduced fat organic peanut butter
    1/2 small banana or 1/4 large banana 

    The How-to:

    1. Melt coconut oil in the microwave for 15 seconds
    2. combine 2 tbsp. coconut oil with half of a serving of chocolate or vegan chocolate Shakeology
    3. Mix well and spread into bottom of desired Tupperware or bowl (I used two small, square Tupperware containers- pictured)
    4. Throw those bad boys in the freezer for about 10 minutes
    5. Mash 1/2 small banana and mix with the organic peanut butter
    6. Spread the Peanut butter/ banana mixture evenly on top of your frozen Shakeology bottom
    7. Combine last 2 tbsp. of coconut oil and Shakeology and pour evenly over peanut butter mixture.

    Should make 2 Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cups

    Shakeology Pancakes Recipe

    Shakeology Pancakes

    If you know me at all you know that I LOVE PANCAKES!! Between pancakes and biscuits and gravy, I am a total fat kid when it comes to breakfast food. I knew that there had to be a way for me to have healthy pancakes.

    Shakeology Pancakes!!

    I saw a recipe for protein pancakes on Pinterest and realized that it IS possible. I started brainstorming ideas of how to incorporate Shakeology into a form of pancakes.

    Here's what I found!

    1 scoop vanilla SHAKEOLOGY
    1/3 cup plain oats blended into oat flour
    1 tsp baking powder
    1 egg white
    1/2 banana mashed
    1/4 cup fat free greek yogurt
    2 tbsp. skim milk (you can use almond milk, too!)

    Mix all dry ingredients together, then add wet ingredients. Spray a heated skillet with non-stick cooking spray and drop the batter onto the pan and cook for about 2 minutes on each side.

    Check out this awesome video of me discovering a new way to separate the egg yolk from the white. I saw a picture of it online and HAD to try it because I always mess up when separating them.  I was amazed that using an empty water bottle worked SO WELL!!

    Monday, July 20, 2015

    Fit Tips for the Working Girl/ Momma

    Fit Tips for the Working Girl/ Momma

    6 Months Pregnant and Staying Fit

    I understand that we are all busy. We have jobs, spouses, children, pets, and social lives to worry about. But where does fitness come into the picture?

    Living a fit lifestyle is more than just getting your workout in four or five days a week. It's about commitment to change and bettering yourself.

    For me, I have a full-time job, my part-time Beachbody coaching business, a family at home, a 2 year old son, and one on the way (due Nov =D) . I feel your pain. Believe me!

    We get busy, it is a part of life. But one part of living a healthy and committed lifestyle is making time for our workouts and time to eat healthy.

    Working out is more than losing weight. It's creating a healthy lifestyle.
     More energy. More confidence. Happiness. Commitment.

    Create yourself.  

    Here are some tips for getting that workout in when you feel overloaded with 'Life'

    Tip #1- Start with 30 minutes. Shorter workouts are always more enticing to busy moms. The shorter the workout, the easier it is to get done. Right? The great thing is that Beachbody offers multiple programs with short but effective workouts. TAKE ADVANTAGE of these!! Start off slow with short workouts.

    Tip #2- Make the most of your time. Yes, you may have shorter workouts, but this does not mean that you slack on intensity. Make the most of every single minute in your workout. Push yourself to your limits EVERY time!!

    Tip #3- JUST DO IT!! Boy oh boy do I love this saying. Just do it. No excuses. No procrastination. Get it done!! If I can do it, so can you!! Discipline yourself NOW, in the beginning.

    Tip #4- Buddy Up! Find an accountability partner. Being held accountable for your actions is one way to ensure that you're getting it done! Find a friend or workout buddy who will push you to your limits beyond what you think is possible.

    If you need an accountability partner, I'LL BE YOURS! You can join one of my 30 Day Challenge Groups for some intense fitness accountability and motivation!

    Tip #5- Reward yourself. You're working hard, you're making the time to push yourself and get your workouts in. Now reward yourself. I'm not saying to go out and eat a box of donuts every day because you reached one of your fitness goals. I'm saying, make it into a personal competition with yourself and challenge yourself. Reward yourself in the end. Maybe you're big on shoes, find an awesome pair of workout shoes or a new outfit to reward yourself for reaching your goals.

    Once I reach my goals, I'll be rewarding myself with an awesome pair of bedazzled Nikes.

    Create yourself. Challenge. Motivate. Inspire others. Grow. Build. Make time for YOU.

    I hope that you are able to take away from this blog post. I really feel like these tips have helped me personally and I wanted to pay it forward!