Tuesday, August 25, 2015

10 Tips for a Fit Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing. Even through the aches, pains, and the discomforts of my growing belly and gaining weight, I have found it in myself to stay true to my fitness routine and love myself and my body no matter how much weight I have gained. (20 LBS already and I'm only at 28 weeks)
I promised myself two things when I found out that I was pregnant this time.
  1. I would take more pictures of my pregnant belly than I did my last pregnancy.
  2. I would stick to a fit lifestyle throughout the duration of the pregnancy.
Two incredibly simple things. Or so I thought. I haven't had many bad cravings, but I have been so lazy about cooking. So it has been tough to stick to my promises but, so far, I've been able to live a fit lifestyle. I have continued my workouts through Beachbody and my competition coaches, and I have kept a clean diet for the most part.
I must say..... I feel absolutely incredible. I am in my third trimester and I feel wonderful. Yes, I still feel the aches and pains but I look forward to my workouts and stretches every day because they make me feel so good!
Here are a few tips that have helped me throughout this pregnancy:
  1.  Have a plan- It's hard to live a fit lifestyle without a nutrition and workout plan! If you don't have one, get one! If you want to talk about my specific plan and how I have kept my fit lifestyle up, just send me an email or comment below!
  2. Keep only healthy and nutritious foods in the house- this is a no-brainer! You can't eat bad foods if they are nowhere in sight!
  3. Work out at the same time every day- I work out after work and have made it a part of my daily routine so my body expects it every day.
  4. Drink Shakeology first thing in the morning- I cannot even begin to describe how beneficial Shakeology has been for this pregnancy. It gives me so much energy early in the day, keeps the sweet tooth cravings at bay, and has provided extra nutrients for my sweet baby boy.
  5.  Bring nutritious snacks to work.
  6. ALWAYS keep a water bottle on hand.
  7. Walk!! I have a desk job at the moment and I have found that it helps me get through the day to take walks around my building.
  8. Find an accountability partner- As a Beachbody coach, I run online fitness accountability groups to help hold myself and my amazing challengers accountable for our nutrition and workouts. This has helped me stay on track so far!
  9. Think about how much easier labor and recovery will be- This one is HUGE for me. Studies have shown that the better shape you're in during your pregnancy, the easier labor and recovery will be.
  10. STICK TO IT!- Don't give in to the lazy temptations. Yes that couch looks mighty comfy, but you won't regret getting your workout in.
Always remember to know your limits. I had to begin modifying exercises early on in my pregnancy. Things like planks and pushups are incredibly uncomfortable to me and I cut them out of my workouts. I keep my workouts low impact and do not lift too heavy. This is not an excuse to slack off, though! Push yourself...just know when to relax and lower the weights. =D

I hope these tips help a few mammas-to-be out there. If you have any questions about my daily routine, let's chat!!

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